Body Prostheses (Implants) Sydney NSW

Body prostheses or implants are inserted into various areas of the body to change the shape of the body or correct and problems such as club foot, spina bifida and polio.

Prostheses (Body Implants) can be placed in any area where there is a defect, such as the buttocks, calves, biceps, triceps, pectoral area, breasts, chin, cheek and penis. Results are location-specific and are designed to increase volume in targeted areas. The prostheses (Implants) are made from silicone. This is an advanced procedure that is offered by Dr Laniewski.

Prostheses(Implants) can be used for aesthetic reasons, but are also used in reconstructive surgery for patients who have had previous surgery, injury or disease.

What happens during the procedure?

The process for body prostheses(Implants) is a routine procedure for Dr Laniewski. There will be an incision made at the site where the body prosthesis(Implant) is to be inserted. The incisions will follow the skin markings that are made before the procedure begins. The placement of the incision is carefully considered to ensure it allows correct placement of the implant and that the incision is as inconspicuous as possible. Then the body implant will be inserted to create the desired result.

For example, the calf implant procedure will involve placing the incision in the natural creases behind the knee. This will allow for the insertion of the implant, and less conspicuous scarring.

For bicep and triceps implants, an incision will be made at the top of the armpit. The placement of the incision is planned to ensure the scar is less visible. A pocket will be created for the implant, which will be a soft tissue area in the muscle and fat.

If you have chosen to have pectoral implants, the implant will be inserted through an incision made through the armpit or into the lower breast area. Dr Laniewski will choose the best area for the patient, and this will be discussed during your consultation.

Surgery will normally last around two hours. But, this will depend on the area of the body that is having the implants.

Does the Body Prosthesis (Implants) procedure hurt?

The body implants procedure is planned to be as comfortable as possible for the patient. You will receive a general anaesthetic before surgery, which means that you will not feel any pain during the procedure. Some pain relief can be issued after the surgery if required.

What can I expect after having implants?

It is normal to experience some swelling and bruising in the area where you have just had body prostheses (implants) inserted. There may also be some discomfort straight after surgery. There may be pain and numbness that will improve as the body heals.

There is some downtime that is associated with body implants. It is normal for patients to take around four to seven days off work after surgery for rest and recovery. This can vary from patient to patient and will also depend on the site of the implant. The results of your body implants will be revealed as bruising and swelling subsides. The healing time varies from patient to patient.

Aftercare instructions will be given to you by Dr Laniewski and his staff . You will be advised if there are specific precautions you should be taking post surgery., You may be required to wear compression garments for at least 6 weeks and avoid specific activities during your recovery.
You will also need to avoid strenuous exercise for a number of weeks.
Dr Laniewski will be able to assist and advise during your post operative consultations

Who is the ideal candidate for body implants?

Suitable candidates for body implants include those patients who want to address certain contour defects on their bodies and change their physical appearance. This can be for aesthetic reasons ,or to correct an abnormality from trauma or genetic factors.

Some conditions that can be helped by body implants include:

  • Spina Bifida
  • Pectus recurvatum
  • Poland Syndrome
  • Polio

If you would like to find out more about body prosthesis implants and if this procedure is suitable for you , you can arrange a consultation with Dr Laniewski today.

Circumferential Belt Lipectomy (Body Lift) Sydney NSW

Achieving weight loss goals through exercise and diet provides many health benefits. Circumferential Belt lipectomy or body lift surgery may be recommended where a patient has excess skin as a result of extreme weight loss or stubborn areas of fat despite weight loss and exercise.

Tissue elasticity varies from person to person, and the situation can be exacerbated by general aging, genetic factors, sun damage and pregnancy. A body lift is most suitable for people who are able to maintain a stable weight through lifestyle changes, nutrition and exercise.

What is a Circumferential Belt Lipectomy (Body Lift)?

A body lift can be described as an extended abdominoplasty(tummy tuck). A circumferential belt lipectomy will change the shape of the abdomen, as well as tighten skin on the hips, back, and buttocks. Dr Laniewski may also discuss additional procedures such as rhytidectomy( facelift), mastopexy( breast lift )and brachioplasty(arm lift) where indicated. Liposuction may also be considered during this procedure.

Taking the First Step

An initial consultation with Dr Laniewski will help to determine the condition of your skin and body, and plan the most appropriate surgery for you. Dr Laniewski will take into consideration your overall health, along with goals and expectations, before making a surgical plan that will provide your expected results. Dr Laniewski will explain the procedure in detail, including the surgery and post-operative care for your recovery. During the initial consultation you should discuss any factors that could affect outcomes, including your smoking status, use of medications, other drugs, and even vitamin supplements.

The surgical procedure

You are an individual, and your circumferential belt lipectomy (body lift )procedure will be personalised to treat your unique circumstances, targeting specific regions of your body. A body lift can attend to symptoms of aging or lifestyle habits that have damaged the body. Good diet and exercise are recommended to maintain surgical results and overall health.

A body lift involves removal of excess skin, and depending on the areas you want to target the incisions can be extensive. Appropriate wound care and scar therapy advice will be given.
The operation is performed under general anaesthesia in a fully accredited surgical hospital . A circumferential belt lipectomy (body lift) operation can take several hours, followed by 2-3 days in the hospital for initial recovery. During this time your condition will be monitored by Dr Laniewski. Surgical drains may be used for up to a week to remove unwanted fluids, and surgical tape will support the skin during initial recovery.

Circumferential Belt Lipectomy (Body Lift) recovery

Results will be observed immediately post surgery, however, wounds may take several weeks to heal completely. Complete recovery may take some time as swelling resolves and incision scars lighten to a less noticeable colour. You will need someone to take you home after your hospital stay, and it’s a good idea to prepare your home in readiness for your return. Planning ahead also involves taking a few weeks off work or any other responsibilities that involve strenuous physical activity. Avoid any extended stretching, lifting, or vigorous exercise until recovery is further progressed. Pain relief medication will be prescribed if required.

Your Individual Results

Circumferential belt lipectomy (body lift) surgery may be performed for aesthetic as well as health reasons. Surgery to remove excess skin and fat may be beneficial for joint health, freedom of movement and general well being.

Return to work and resumption of regular activities and routines may take several weeks as the surgery is quite extensive. You may have long and visible scars that need care and scar therapy. Results of circumferential belt lipectomy ( body lift) can be if good nutrtion and exercise routines are maintained.

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