Post surgical bra is to be worn morning and night for 6 weeks following surgery. The bra can be taken off for short periods of time. Please remember to take your garment to the hospital on the day of your surgery.
NB: The bra can be cleaned by cool wash and dry. No heat to be used.
No underwire for 6 weeks following surgery.
You must sleep at a slight angle for 7 days following surgery due to swelling. A boomerang pillow is highly recommended.
Use ice packs for the first 72 hours
Post op exercises are imperative and recommended three times a day. Please see attached.
No gym or strenuous work for 6 weeks following surgery.
No lifting anything over 2 kgs for 10 – 14 days following surgery.
Post surgical Micropore tape is to be worn for 6 – 8 weeks following surgery.
No driving for 2 – 6 weeks following surgery.
For the first week following surgery, it will be very swollen and painful. You will be given pain management for the first week.
For the second week following surgery, you will be much improved and have good movement.
You can return to work 1 – 2 weeks following surgery.
No swimming for 3 – 6 weeks or until completely healed.
Heal light is highly recommended three times a week or at least two times a week.
Post op appointments will be scheduled for one week, six weeks, three months, six months and twelve months.