Face Peels Sydney NSW

Face Peels, also known as Chemical Peels, have the ability to address inconsistencies in
the texture and appearance of skin. Peels are achieved by applying a solution to the surface
of the skin that removes the outer layer of skin, revealing new skin underneath. The depth of
the peel is dependant on the chemical used, the concentration of the chemical, the time
allowed before the agent is neutralised, and the number of coats applied. Taking these
factors into consideration, your Plastic Surgeon will recommend a face peel that works for
your desired outcomes.

Face Peels are a suitable option for patients who either do not want or are not ready to
proceed with invasive surgery. They are suitable for all skin types and are used to address
multiple concerns, including:

  • fine lines and wrinkles
  • sun damage
  • skin discolouration and age spots (hyper-pigmentation)
  • mild scarring
  • freckling
  • acne
  • rough and scaly skin

Face Peels are a suitable option for patients who either do not want or are not ready to
proceed with invasive surgery. They are suitable for all skin types and are used to address
multiple concerns, including.

Types of face peels

Depending on the concern(s) to be targeted, a Face Peel will remove surface skin to the
appropriate depth:

  • Superficial peel: : This is the least-aggressive chemical peel, and is useful for all skin types. A diluted acid solution is applied that acts on the outer skin layer, resulting in exfoliation. The agent is applied gently to the skin and left on for several minutes before being neutralised and wiped off. A slight burning sensation will be noticeable.
  • Medium peel: Penetrating more deeply than a superficial peel, medium peels remove more skin blemishes. The chemical agent used may be stronger, and remains on the skin for a
    longer time. Pain relief medication may be used during the procedure, and some pain may
    persist in the first few hours following the peel.
  • Deep peel: SSeveral layers of the skin are removed by a peel that causes a harmless but aggressive second-degree burn. Deep peels are not as well-suited to darker skin types, because the peel may bleach the skin. A deep peel takes longer and is more painful, with general anaesthesia and intravenous injections used in some situations. Healing ointment or
    tape may be applied to assist with recovery after the deep peel is complete

Preparation for a face peel

The first step is a consultation with your Plastic Surgeon. Once a course of action has been
determined, preparation will begin several weeks before the peel itself. Cleansing the skin
several times a day, applying cream, moisturiser and sunscreen, and the application of a
topical medicine may be suggested. For deeper face peels, a medication might be
prescribed to mitigate infection risks

Recovery after a face peel

A couple of days after treatment, your skin will begin to peel, and careful attention is required to speed up healing and attain the best long-lasting results. Post-surgery care will be dependent on the depth of the peel, but typical care involves:

  • Frequent cleaning of the skin with water or a solution as prescribed by your surgeon.
  • Daily moisturising
  • Avoiding exposure to the sun while peeling, followed by use of sunscreen on a daily basis. New skin is more sensitive to negative affects of harsh sun.
  • Changing dressings and reapplying ointment (for deep and medium peels)
  • Using any other solutions, creams or pain relievers recommended by your surgeon.

Chemical face peels are sometimes performed along with laser resurfacing or dermabrasion for enhanced results. Face peels are not a permanent solution for ongoing skin changes that result from natural aging and exposure to the sun, but are a valuable tool in restoring appearance, removing skin blemishes, and providing a healthy soft glow to the skin.