Thread Lift

Skin laxity commonly occurs as we age, which can sometimes make some changes to our face and other areas of the body. To lift the skin on the face, a non-surgical approach can be used, as opposed to a traditional facelift. Thread lifts work by using dissolvable threads that are placed to tighten the skin. With our minimally invasive approach, the skin can be lifted in a treatment that is long-lasting and may also reduce fine lines and wrinkles.

How does a thread lift work?

With a thread lift, we can use a minimally invasive approach to achieve a skin lift without surgery. The treatment is performed with high attention to detail, placing threads in specific areas and tightening them to create a lift.

Essentially, the treatment works by pulling the skin slightly to lift it and suspend the lift without surgical involvement. The threads are dissolvable, meaning that they don’t need to be removed after treatment. A thread lift can promote the production of more collagen and elastin, which can also help to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, as well as make changes to skin texture and elasticity over time.

The treatment takes about 30 to 60 minutes to perform, with highly personalised treatment steps to consider the individual needs of each patient.

Target Areas

A thread lift can be performed on a variety of areas. The treatment most commonly treats the face but may be used on other areas of the body. The procedure can also target areas where there is a loss of tissue volume and fine lines and wrinkles. Treatment areas include:

  • Cheeks
  • Jawline
  • Browline
  • Under-eyes
  • Forehead
  • Neck
  • Breasts

Multiple areas may sometimes be treated within the one treatment session, which is an option that can be discussed during your consultation.

Possible Benefits of a Thread Lift

A thread lift can address each patient’s individual concerns, with personalised steps. Patients can discuss what they would like to achieve with the treatment and have their treatment area assessed by surgeon Dr. Laniewski.

The treatment can achieve immediate results, as well as gradual changes as the body heals. After two to three months, your results will finalise due to the new collagen production. Another benefit of the procedure is that it be paired with other procedures, depending on the nature of the additional procedure and your personal needs. Opting for a non-surgical approach to a thread lift can mean less recovery time than a surgical facelift, and the treatment can be associated with fewer potential complications. The procedure typically allows patients to return home on the same day, while recovery from a surgical facelift can require a four to six-week recovery period.

Since each treatment will be personalised, you can talk about the possible benefits in terms of your own individual needs and expectations during your consultation.

Who is Eligible for The Treatment?

Suitable candidates for a thread lift will have mild to moderate skin laxity in the area that will be treated. Those with excessive skin laxity may need to consider a surgical facelift as an alternative, as this treatment is generally more suitable for treating milder to moderate skin laxity.

Those between the ages of 35 to 55 years of age are more likely to undergo the procedure, however, anyone who is concerned about their skin’s laxity may opt for the treatment option. Patients should be in good health and have realistic expectations for this procedure. Suitable candidates should also be within a healthy weight range.

Those whose medical conditions prevent them from getting a surgical facelift may consider a thread lift as a viable option, to avoid having to go under general anaesthesia.

Your suitability for a thread lift will be assessed during your consultation with Dr. Laniewski, as he will need to identify any possible contraindications and determine if the procedure will align with your individual needs. During your consultation, you will be able to discuss how the treatment is performed in further detail, and ask any questions you may have.

Are There Risks Associated with a Thread Lift?

All procedures have risks associated with them, and non-surgical, minimally invasive treatments are no different.

The risks associated with a thread lift may include:

  • Risks associated with anaesthesia
  • Temporary trouble opening your mouth
  • Infection
  • Pain (sometimes ongoing)
  • Sun sensitivity and sensitivity to bright lights
  • Swelling and bruising
  • Visibility of threads
  • Unsatisfactory results

Dr. Laniewski will identify and explain the potential risks of a thread lift, including your personal risk level. Risks may be minimised by performing the treatment on suitable candidates, putting some aftercare instructions in place, and ensuring that only an experienced and trained individual will perform the treatment.

The Results

Results from a thread lift will vary from person to person. Results can last up to two years, depending on the strength of the collagen that has formed. Patients can generally expect lifted skin in the specific treatment areas, and may find that the skin shows fewer fine lines and wrinkles as more collagen and elastin is produced over time. Initial swelling or bruising will need to subside for the results to be completely visible, but an immediate lift can typically become noticeable after the treatment.

Cost of a Thread Lift

The cost of the procedure depends on several factors, including the patient’s type of skin, area of treatment and other personalised factors that will influence the steps of the procedure.

These factors determine the price and Dr. Laniewski will discuss this with you in your consultation. Each patient’s treatment will be customised to meet their individual skin needs and therefore the price must reflect this.

To discuss your individualised treatment, book your consultation for a thread lift. You can also contact us in the meantime if you have any questions that our team can help with.


Are the results of the treatment permanent?

The results of the procedure are not permanent. However, the treatment can achieve long-lasting results, that can last for between six to 12 months or for up to two years. After this time period has passed, you will need another procedure to maintain your results.

Is exercise allowed after a thread lift?

To avoid swelling and injury, it is recommended that you avoid exercising immediately after the procedure. It is recommended to wait one to two weeks before returning to exercise to give the skin enough time to heal.

What do I need to do to prepare for the treatment?

We recommend avoiding smoking, consuming alcohol, and medications that can cause bruising or bleeding. If you need to follow any other steps, you will be made aware of these during your consultation ahead of time.